Thursday, April 19, 2012

GoD and DoG

In the Everyday Grind of Life, sometimes God uses our very best mutt to share the greatest truth!

As again I sit to spend my time with the One who made me and loves me, I had to laugh.  My dog Zoe seems to want to get in on it as well.  As I sit on the floor she nearly climbs in my lap- her nose pressing and wetting the pages of my journal. She was relentless.

It's happened a number of times now.  I was thinking this morning how she so longs just to be near me.  For me to talk to her, play, and spend time just together... to show her love.  But I get so busy.  Often, she is pushed aside. Waiting.  Patiently waiting until, at last, I sit.

How often do I do that with God?  I did it again this morning.  Although I really planned on sitting down right away this morning for some much needed quiet time with Him, I once again caved to the demands of business. Just this one thing... just clean this one thing.... and ohhh I see that. I cave to what I see, rather than to what I need...  and He waits.

So, once again as I sat this morning- Zoe came.  She nuzzled in. Her wet nose upon my Book. And as I slowed- I saw the lesson. She reminded me how much God loves me.  He longs, not for my work, my clean floor, or sacrifices for him... but He longs for me to love him. To love Him, because... He loves me.  He always has.  He loves you to, my friend.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Love your cell phone customer service agent?!?!- a follow up, pt2

In my last blog-"Love Your Cell Phone Customer Service Agent ????"  I shared my challenge of Christ's command to love my enemies (Mt 5:43-47, Lk 6:35)  regarding a very minor cell phone refund.  To refer to a customer service agent as my enemies probably sounds harsh, unfortunately that was my attitude as I entered the process.  I did not do well.  I was demanding, short tempered.... well, let's compare it to the best definition of love:

Love is patient....   Nope.. I was not.
   love is kind... I don't think my words came out that way
... it does not envy, it does not boast- these... I did ok on those two. 
 is not proud.... ooohhh... Fail!  I was pretty focused on what "I deserved."
                 Fail.                   Fail.                               Fail.                                           Fail.
Perhaps your thinking, it was just a phone call!  What's the big deal?