Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Show and Tell:Easter Baggie Baskets

"May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." Gal 6:14

Show and tell. I was just in a classroom not too long ago where children circled anxiously for their turn to share their treasures.  Barely able to contain their joy, most sat and squirmed- barely able to contain themselves. Not long ago our pastor reminded us that we, as followers of Christ, have a treasure for Show & Tell a midst the people we circle up with each day. Our treasure: the freedom and hope we have in Christ!  Show (the love of Christ) & Tell (give Him the Credit).

I just have to share this joy and encouragement!  People who love the LORD become filled with His love and compassion... and it shows!

Filled with the desire to express our faith in love, these women set out to create Easter "baskets" that could be distributed by the food shelf to the children whose families utilize it.

Beginning at 8AM, 300 bags were stamped and decorated; Easter grass was stuffed; soaps were matched and counted; chalk, toothpaste & toothbrushes were paired,candy was bagged- chocolate and fruity alike. Each bag was tied with a bow attaching "What is the Easter Story" (written below)- explaining how much God loves them.

I gotta tell you, it was a testament to God's goodness, his provision through the generosity of others, and the willing hearts of those who believe 'that He hears the cries of the poor... and we are called to do the same.'

Below is the poem written and distributed on the Baskets.

What is the Easter Story?

Is it colored eggs and bling? 
       Is it more than candy baskets;

                  ….more than bunnies in the Spring?

It started with The MakerGod created everything.The Father, Son, and Spirit gave Life to all who breathe.

God offered them acceptance; a love that never dies. He only asked they love Him back and show it with their lives.

But the people went their own way; rejecting God Himself. Rebelling from His laws of Love; they hurt others and themselves.

Into this world we all are born- loaded down with guilt and shame. Fallen by our own desires; here Death has made its claim.

But the story doesn’t end here; ‘cause God is over all! He had a plan to bring us back – a rescue from the Fall!

God stepped into darkness; into this world of sin. The very world that turned away, could know Him once again.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would show the world God’s love. You see, Jesus loves the Father and the Father loves the Son.

So Jesus brought God’s light to Earth; compassion to those in need.  He healed the sick;cured the lame;made blinded eyes to see.

He calmed the storm and raised the dead; He lived the perfect life. Yet, like all who would obey the LORD, his life was filled with strife.
He offers all Salvation- from guilt and death and shame.  But the world did not believe him and they spit upon His name.
They beat him and they mocked him- declaring him a guilty man; not knowing that the God of Love was working out His Plan.

He was beaten for our sins; every wrong we’ve ever caused. And when they hung him on the Tree…
     all earth, 
         it seemed,
              to pause…

He cried “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
He breathed his last, & gave his life; His blood poured for me and you.

For 3 days Death had seemed to win- a sealed up tomb, He lay within.
But Death- it could not keep him in!

Jesus Christ –HE is Alive!   
            -a truth none can ignore.
He rose again; came back to life &  walked along the shore.

He showed himself to many; 400 of his friends. He said if they’d believe in Him, their lives would never end.

THAT is the Easter Story. Christ is Risen from the grave! New life in Him, he offers you. YOUR  life he came to save!  HE offers YOU Eternal LIFE - if you would Trust in Him. Seek Him and He’ll gladly give- forgiveness of your sin. He offers YOU acceptance- a love that never dies. Your part is to love Him back and show it with your life.  

If you’d like Life through Jesus – Ask!  Here’s an example of how to start:
Ask Him to forgive you. “God, please forgive me for wanting to go my own way. I want to follow you.”
Believe Jesus Christ is Lord. “Jesus, I believe you died on the cross & came back to life- because you are God’s Son.”
Change your ways. “…please show me how to live like you.”  Learn how Jesus taught us to live by reading  from the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John in any Bible.

-written by LifeintheGrindMinistries. illustrations not my own.

1 comment:

Kay J said...
