Thursday, February 27, 2014

But the well is deep...

As I read Oswald Chambers this morning, I couldn't help but share it. As I shared in my previous blog, our Bible study theme this year has been “Come Thirsty.” And I believe we have. Like Christ at the well with the Samaritan woman, I believe God has offered us Living Water each time we met- just for the asking. And yet, although we know we are thirsty and drink that in, there are some very deep wells that seem unsatisfied for me and for others.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Come Thirsty

 What do you thirst for?  
"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.” -Jn 7:37

I live in a place where clean healthy water has been more than available to me. All too often I have disregarded the needs of my body for something that tingles my taste buds.

In July of 2008 I was on mission trip in Crimea working with Orphans Hope and the children of Kerch, Ukraine. As we traveled, we had been instructed NOT to drink tap water unless it had been boiled- so our choice would be bottled water: with or without carbonation, or "bubbles." In one seaside town of clean healthy water was in short supply making it not at all uncommon for public water supply to be unavailable for awhile at a given time during the day.