Saturday, February 2, 2013

This is a test. This is only a test...

It just hung there.  As if standing still.  It was the progress light on my treadmill.  As if it asked the question:
        "Really? Are you gonna finish or quit?"
Oh, I wanted to quit.  I had to change pace a number of times today. And I really considered quitting.   The treadmill belt was shifting funny, I had plenty to do, I was tired and feeling more like it was beating me- than I was beating it.

It was not the first time. There have been many mornings where I have not overcome. Didn't take that chance in the afternoon. The day went by and I didn't do it.  Sometimes, it was planned.  Sometimes it has been the battle of discipline and I lost for that day.
God commanded Joshua " strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (Jos 1:9).
I believe that God allows the circumstances life to reveal to us our true hearts.  He knows our hearts and motives; He knows what we will choose to do.  However, I don't think we do.  We think we know what we would do.  And we know what we would like to do. But until we are posed with the opportunity- a test- our true hearts are not revealed- to us.

In regard to exercise  my failures at getting up have strengthened my resolve to integrate exercise into my life; however, it has also made me examine finding the balance as to how much and when.. and I am working on that.

But as you know exercising my Faith in the grind of everyday life is a discipline I am tested on moment by moment.  God is continually presenting opportunities for me to act out my faith and trust in who He is.  Although it is for His glory; the test (opportunities) reveals to me my heart toward Him.  Do I really believe God and His word... enough to really do it when the opportunity arises?
"...a man came into the Soda Fountain and sat down. He was one of the people who live in the margins of life- often unnoticed and perhaps ignored by so many. He was about to have surgery and spoke of it with some trepidation. Now, God had been challenging me to offer prayer to many whom I don’t know; however, this time... I just didn’t want to. He was different …. And, so I waited and waited… putting it off until he left. I knew I should have offered, but I didn’t. After he left, my head resonated with the scripture “do not show partiality.”[1] I had done just that. And, more convicting was “…anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.”[2] My stomach churned.
On my knees that night I asked God to forgive my willful defiance and -in a desire to truly change and live out His Word loving others- I asked for an opportunity to redeem myself in the future. The very next morning- as I’m running to work (literally, don’t ask)- I see the very same man chatting with the postman in front of our shop. Every reason not to stop whirled through my head. What would it be? Would I obey God…or not? I decided to surrender my will, and stopped. I reintroduced myself, apologized for not doing it earlier, and offered prayer. He accepted. I put my hand on his shoulder, and prayed. In that encounter God taught me about obedience; repentance; love; forgiveness; and grace. (From "About Me" page of this blog)
"This is a test. This is only a test..." Sometimes as Christians I wonder if we get so worried about failing an opportunity we've been given that we forget God's grace. He is able to work all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to His purpose.  Nothing is wasted in His eyes.  It may be used to reveal to us Truth or to reveal Him to others... but in all things He is glorified.  Remember to press on toward the goal (Phil 3:14) and don't give up... having done everything... stand firm (Eph 6:13).

My friends, you can't let God down- because you don't hold Him up.