Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
-Proverbs 3:5
How hard is that!
Where on the line below would you say you most often “lean” (or rely on) ?
My understanding/common sense---------------------------------------------Believing God's got it!
When situations come, I don’t know about you but too often I want to step in and play “Jr. God.”
Oh, I’ve got the best reasons or intentions, and I can even rationalize my actions… but really, if I look at my motive, all too often it’s because I’m thinking God’s not going to show, or come through in the way I’ve planned. So... I lean on my own understanding.
Abraham got caught up in it. And who can blame him. He gets the luxury of God telling him (mind you he’s nearly a century old!) that he and his barren wife will have more descendants than the stars. But then nothing happens. (Gen 15)
If anyone thinks God needs to hurry, I’m thinking it was Abraham. I mean, he and Sarah must have reasoned, “We’re old, God must mean for us to make it work”- so they try all reasonable efforts… including the maidservant, Hagar!?!
Not good. They bring more trouble into the world than just a baby! (Gen 16)
But I’m not nagging on Abraham. I’ve done it! I’ve tried every rational, reasonable, self-sufficient ability I've had- until they that didn't really work out either. Trusting Him goes against our very culture and nature. We are taught and strive for independence from the moment we are brought into this world. We’re commended for it! But really doesn't our leaning on our own understanding reveal that we trust ourselves- more than we trust Him.
So sometimes, God waits.
And He waits.
And then, "... the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised." Gen 21
God was handling it. It certainly wasn't in her and Abe's timeline. It probably didn't feel like it. And, I'd bet it didn't look like she thought it would. At least that's what I see from times I've waited on Him. I truly believe that He was working out all things for good. but the wait. It's hard for me.
But here are some of the things I've learned while waiting.
that my understanding is limited.... He knows.
that my power is limited.... He is Able.
that my motive is selfish... He loves selflessly
that this struggle was helpful... He is Strength in our weakness
that I need Him... He never leaves or forsake us
I want to believe God's handing things for good.
But I get tempted to lean on my own understanding.
I need to renew my mind with the Truth of God.
Will I believe God or my own understanding?
My answer will be revealed by my actions and words!
In order to choose the truth, we must know the truth.
If I think God is …
- “distant and uninterested in me” that's not true, God is Close & involved…Psm 139:1-18
- “stern & demanding” that's not true, God is kind & caring… Psm 103:8-14
- “too busy for me or not there” that's not true, God is accepting & filled with love… Rom 15:7 , Zep 3:17
- “impatient, angry, or never satisfied” that's not true, God is patient & slow to anger; delights in those who put their hope in him Ex 34:6, 2Pe 3:9, Psm 147:11
- “ mean, cruel, or abusive” that's not true, God is loving & gentle and protector Jer 31:3, Isa 42:3, Psm 18:2
- “trying to take the fun out of life” that's not true, God is to be trusted and give best possible life! Lam 3:22,23, John 10:10, Ro 12:1-2
- “condemning/ not forgiving” that's not true, God is kind and forgiving; his heart & arms are open Psm 130:1-4, Lk 15:17-24
- “looking for faults” that's not true, God is wants me to grow and is proud of me Rom 8:28, Heb 12:5-11; 2 Cor 5:17
Here' More…
When I feel: I must choose to believe:
“I cant…” Phil 4:13
“I am afraid” 2 Ti 1:7 , Is 43:5
“I’m weak” Psm 27:1, Dan 11:3
“worried or fret” 1 Pe 5:7
“ judged guilty” Rom 8:1
“alone” Mt 28:20, Heb 13:5
“worthless” 2 Cor 5:21
“confused” 1 Cor 2:12, 1 Cor 14:33
“like a failure” Rom 8:37
“pressured by life” John 16:33
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