Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bricks or Stepping Stones

Don't grumble against one another...”Ja 5:9

A few years back I recall a Sunday afternoon in which 10 to 15 teenagers stood in front of a small congregation that had gathered to hear of their mission trip out East.  As with many reports we were regaled with stories of the journey.  Some kids were brave enough to share how God had revealed Himself to them; others unknowingly confirmed His provision as they shared the happenings and events on the journey.  What struck me most was when Phil, their leader, stepped forward with a brick.
 It was as simple red brick with names written on it.  As he brought it out nearly all of them laughed, or shrugged revealing their intimate relationship with “The Brick.”  I believe he referred to it as “the brick of complaint.“  He went on to tell us that the brick was carried by those that complained- until another was more suited to carry it!

I've been there too. I've carried a "brick of complaint" in my heart.  Disappointment.  Life doesn't go the way I planned. People don’t behave the way I want, or quite frankly, I’m inconvenienced.  I grumble or complain robbing the myself and those around me of joy... and brick by brick I loose sight of the hope and promises available to me.    “The Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron… If only.. !   Why…? (Nu 14)

The LORD had just rescued them from an oppressive enemy- not only conquering Egypt but taking all their spoils  as well). He miraculously lead their escape through the Red Sea during flood season and has been providing food from heaven in the desert. God sends 12 men to check out the land He has promised them.  Caleb and Joshua came back wide eyed and in AWE by the huge-ness of the land and everything in it!  When the 10 others returned they murmured- complaining that was too much… couldn't be done.  They viewed their trials with grumbling and complaining.   God heard.  Their bricks of complaint and grumbling blocked their view to the promise land. Only Caleb and Joshua would enter, those who grumbled died in the desert and in their discontent.

Trials will come. What trials did you encounter today?  What did you struggle with today? Patience is grown when you choose to wait. Humility is grown when we care for someone else’s need above our own.  Will you choose to believe God has a plan for you... and somehow...  through this trial or in spite of it-  He can and will work all things for good.

Lord God, please forgive my complaining attitude; my prideful and distrusting heart. (2 Chr 7:14)  Remind me that you love me with an everlasting love; you have drawn me with unfailing kindness. (Jer  31:3)   Thank God for the trial today because you can use it to mold and chisel me into your Son’s likeness- making us mature and complete (Ja 1:2-4).  

And we know that in all things (even trials) God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.(Ro 8:28).”

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