Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cleaning in the Corners

Cleaning in the corners.

I did some deep cleaning. The kind where you pull out the couch and see what lies beneath. With three boys often it was Nerf bullets, socks, wrappers, and dust bunnies. It was the kind of cleaning that necessitates taking out the "tools" attachment on my vacuum and using my muscles. It was moving the items that had been dusted "around" in the past. Oh, it's subtle at first. Over time the small areas of corners and under things get neglected- because it doesn't seem worth the effort OR it doesn't seen like it matters. But, eventually, it does. The room can even be picked up- appear clean- but I know it's not. It lacks luster. And then, either for show, because I can't stand it anymore, or I finally make time.... I CLEAN... right down to the corners.

Cleaning in the corners takes intention-ality. Effort. Vision beyond that moment.

Recently, I had the privilege to cook at Blue Water Covenant Bible Camp in northern Minnesota with
my mom. For nearly 6 years she has joined me for a week of bonding. Is our spare time we love to find projects in the kitchen. One afternoon while I was re-organizing a storage area, my mom began cleaning the drip pans beneath the burners. As she removed the first, I thought...YUCK! Just put it back... nobody sees it, anyway. "What would it matter?" One could argue.

But she didn't. She wouldn't.

My mother made it shine. It looked brand new. Baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, and elbow grease. Patience. Effort. Intention-ality. She did it because she knew it was there.

It reminded me of our character; our integrity--- what we do when no on is watching. Cleaning in the "corners" of our lives. Doing what's right when no one seems to be watching. The Apostle Peter instructs us to:

"make every effort to add to your faith goodness...knowledge... self-control.. perseverance... godliness...mutual affection... love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Pe 1:5-8)

Each of those qualities are built in in the tedium of life. They are initiated and practiced in the grind of life. The moments when no one but God sees, or understands why.
“No man is born either naturally or supernaturally with character, he has to make character. Nor are we born with habits; we have to form habits.... The great hindrance in spiritual life is that we will look for big things to do. “Jesus took a towel . . . and began to wash the disciples’ feet.” ... Do not expect God always to give you His thrilling minutes, but learn to live in the domain of drudgery by the power of God.... The tiniest detail in which I obey has all the omnipotent power of the grace of God behind it." Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest
I remember hearing a story that told of a beautiful carving of a delicate bird fashioned and built into a crevice of a huge cathedral- totally in a place unseen. When asked why such breath taking work would be put where no one could see it, the response... "Well, God sees it."

Living lives of integrity and character are works of art often like that hidden carving, or labors of love like those drip pans- whittled and working us into the character of Christ. We make every effort because...
well... God sees it.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

GoD and DoG

In the Everyday Grind of Life, sometimes God uses our very best mutt to share the greatest truth!

As again I sit to spend my time with the One who made me and loves me, I had to laugh.  My dog Zoe seems to want to get in on it as well.  As I sit on the floor she nearly climbs in my lap- her nose pressing and wetting the pages of my journal. She was relentless.

It's happened a number of times now.  I was thinking this morning how she so longs just to be near me.  For me to talk to her, play, and spend time just together... to show her love.  But I get so busy.  Often, she is pushed aside. Waiting.  Patiently waiting until, at last, I sit.

How often do I do that with God?  I did it again this morning.  Although I really planned on sitting down right away this morning for some much needed quiet time with Him, I once again caved to the demands of business. Just this one thing... just clean this one thing.... and ohhh I see that. I cave to what I see, rather than to what I need...  and He waits.

So, once again as I sat this morning- Zoe came.  She nuzzled in. Her wet nose upon my Book. And as I slowed- I saw the lesson. She reminded me how much God loves me.  He longs, not for my work, my clean floor, or sacrifices for him... but He longs for me to love him. To love Him, because... He loves me.  He always has.  He loves you to, my friend.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Love your cell phone customer service agent?!?!- a follow up, pt2

In my last blog-"Love Your Cell Phone Customer Service Agent ????"  I shared my challenge of Christ's command to love my enemies (Mt 5:43-47, Lk 6:35)  regarding a very minor cell phone refund.  To refer to a customer service agent as my enemies probably sounds harsh, unfortunately that was my attitude as I entered the process.  I did not do well.  I was demanding, short tempered.... well, let's compare it to the best definition of love:

Love is patient....   Nope.. I was not.
   love is kind... I don't think my words came out that way
... it does not envy, it does not boast- these... I did ok on those two. 
          ...it is not proud.... ooohhh... Fail!  I was pretty focused on what "I deserved."
                 Fail.                   Fail.                               Fail.                                           Fail.
Perhaps your thinking, it was just a phone call!  What's the big deal?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Love your cell phone customer service agent????

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. ... If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?" (Mt 5:43-46)

Have you been given an “opportunity” to be obedient to the command to love not only those who love you- but those who don’t- the difficult people?  How has it gone for you?  I had a great opportunity that REALLY STRETCHED my patience, mouth and that whole bit on being SLOW to anger.(1 Cor 13:4-8)

It was a cell phone carrier- trying to remove a phone from a program.  After 45 minutes of “opportunity” I can truly look back and say it wasn’t my best, but I was trying. Really, in retrospect, the person on the other line probably thought that I was unlovable.  She really did better than I at being patient, kind, etc.!   So, by His grace, I’ll get another opportunity!?!?!   Don’t you think that so often I can deal with difficult people with more grace and love when I realize the grace and love that God has shown me an shows me daily?

Then I think of the story of the unmerciful servant: 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Life is Like Coffee

Here's a bit of Truth, a modern day parable one might say!
                     It's more about Life than coffee

Click on the coffee cup to see what I mean! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Holding onto Rubber Bands

There she stood. All three feet of her.  Her little hand tightfisted and hidden from my view.

I was working at the school that day.  This little one, who could be quite precocious, had earned some free time and spent it playing with thin multi-colored rubber bands and a pegboard.  She had proudly hummed, and strummed a bit on her "rubber-band guitar," but now it was time to put it away and head back to class.

Dressed entirely in pink, she could be as charming as she was strong willed. Hesitantly, she put away her creation. It wasn't difficult to see the wheels turning.  Her speed slowing. She was thinking.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


A "SodaJerk"... and that would be listed under....

"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Gal 1:10).  

I recently was invited to link into a networking site for professionals. As I began filling out the information and checking boxes I became acutely aware that "SodaJerk" and "Ministry" didn't qualify in the endless list of professional vocations.  Ministry didn't have a listing other than "Religious Institution" and that didn't fit.  And really... I'm not employed to minister.  I'm employed as a server.  A waitress.  I waitress so I can minister. As I scrolled through the listings there really didn't seem to be a professional listing for that! 

As I continued, the option came available to link with my high school, college, & vocational alumni.  I couldn't help but ask myself, "What would they think?"  In the quest for success, how had I done? Would the readers laugh? No title. No desk. No 401k.  I had aspired to make movies with best- and now found myself making malts- for the least of these. I declined to connect.  Nothing seemed to fit.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

No Matter What (NMW)

As we get thrown into the busyness of life- take a moment today to remember- GOD LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT (NMW).  

Really.  He loves you… not because he has to-
                                                             but because he wants to… 
                                                        He likes you too.  

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Bluewater Covenant Bible Camp
My last blog was about waiting and deciding whether or not to lean on my own understanding or on Gods.  I feel it only appropriate to share one of my examples from the grind of my life.

I told you I hate to wait.  And, those of you who know me personally, have witnessed it.  So this summer was tough.  It was the first week in August.  I was cook that week at BlueWater Covenant Bible Camp for 3-6 graders.  About 3'o clock I went out to sit by the lake for a break.  I was going to watch the kids.  Relax.

It had been quite a summer.  My husband, Kent, who was the commercial lending officer at a bank was faced with the reality of our down-turned economy. The loan applications process were overshadowed by mounting collection & foreclosure issues with unfamiliar & familiar faces.  The stress had been mounting.  Until, on a Thursday in July, he came home and shared with me that he and his boss agreed, it was not a fit for him.  He had 8 weeks.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 

-Proverbs 3:5 

How hard is that!

Where on the line below would you say you most often “lean” (or rely on) ?

My understanding/common sense---------------------------------------------Believing God's got it!

When situations come, I don’t know about you but too often I want to step in and play “Jr. God.”
Oh, I’ve got the best reasons or intentions, and I can even rationalize my actions… but really,  if I look at my motive, all too often it’s because I’m thinking God’s not going to show, or come through in the way I’ve planned. So... I lean on my own understanding.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mad About Mittens

What do you get when 14 women decide they're going to make a difference? Mittens!

It started this Fall.

As usual we began the day with prayer requests and concerns.  Often the concerns are for family and friends, but that morning, like many that would follow, concerns turned to the huge needs we were seeing in our community. The latest was a child whose heals were bloody because his parents couldn't afford shoes that fit. The need was growing for shoes, outerwear, and mittens for needy kids at school .

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I am an avid Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest fan.  Today, (Jan 2nd) it brought me to a statement that commended Abraham's faith-
 "He went out, not knowing where he was going..."  Heb 11:8